CD Album Cover

This CD cover is based on the album by Beyonce called Lemonade. This album is not only based on her husbands infidelity but is mostly based on the Black Lives Matter Movement. The dress represents the women involved and that this is their time to come out of the shadows and proclaim their voices. I made the colour yellow based on the name of the album “Lemonade”. The Black Panther Fist in the dress is the symbol of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I lowered the opacity and shadowed the fist because it symbolizes that people see the movement as a background notion. The movement is trying to escape from the shadows and become a prominent part of our society. I made the cover and background very plain and simple because this is how the albums message is laid out. Plain and simple, all people are to be treated equally and black lives do matter. And having such an influential woman like Beyonce say this, it makes a real impact on our society and our way of thinking.  “Formation” is put on the album as a filler because it is her biggest hit on the album and it has a lot to do with the message that is trying to be proclaimed.

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